Using Twitter well?

I came across this post just now on Mashable:

In it, Dave Kerpen – the CEO of Likeable – highlights 9 US based companies that use Twitter really well and I have to agree with his observations.

He points out that tweets need to stand out and have a personality behind them.

JetBlue has 14 people tweeting on their official twitter account and use it as a customer service channel – answering questions, apologising for poor service or delays, sharing special deals and more. They have over 1.6m followers so this is no mean feat.

Vevo engages with both their own followers and followers of the musicians that they feature, often generating debate. By engaging with followers of other tweeters, you can really start to increase your followers and increase your brand awareness.

I believe that Twitter should be used in this way. Not simply as an RSS reader where web sites auto post their articles, but to probe, ask questions, get involved.

Twitter offers real-time one to one to many conversations and can have such a huge impact on a brand’s presence online. Those that get involved and use it to communicate will reap the rewards.